88mm German Flak Gun Project Update

Hi All,
The Weekend of Scott is here and my 88mm German Flak gun has been given the royal treatment. Here are some in process pictures. Glamour shots to come soon on the main site.
Scott paints this in phases. He starts off with studying the project.
First off, the camo pattern is added.
Barrel installed with rings on the barrel to denote gun hits (scores). White for aircraft and black for armor.
After camo application, fading begins.
Additional fading with brown highlights.
The ending touches include chipping with an artist pen to simulate paint chipping an underlying rusting.
Final pics to come here and on the main site.
One comment
- Weekend Of Scott Carter 6 (WOSC VI) Greif 250, 88mm Flak36, Russian Jeep and mor - OSW: One Sixth Warrior Forum - […] uploaded as soon as our web mistress has done her magic and added her pics) the AZ Joehead…
Found this post on a search. I lo9ve the FLAk 88, you did a great job. I admire good modeling